Shine a Light on Co-production list of events


Co Productin


The Experience and Partnerships Team at NHSE would like to invite you to our “Shine a Light on Co-production” events.

These events aim to shine a light on the potential of co-produced improvements and demonstrate what can be achieved when people working in the NHS and people with lived experience partner together. At each event, we will discuss the difference co-production made to them and their organisation,  their top tips, what went well and the challenges they faced.

For further information, or if you would like to be a speaker and share your story, please contact us at   


DateRegistration Link
Tuesday 24 September 2024Book here
Tuesday 22 October 2024Book here
Tuesday 26 November 2024Book here
Tuesday 17 December 2024Book here

Tuesday 28th January 2025

Book here

Tuesday 25th February 2025

Book here

Tuesday 25th March 2025

Book here