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Improving NHS Productivity & Efficiency with the Model Health System

17 July 2024 12:00pm – 1:00pmBST (+01:00)
Location TBC

Please register with your NHS email address - you'll be sent the link to join the day before

The Model Health System now includes a dedicated area on productivity benchmarking to support local improvement. Within this area you’ll find a concise list of productivity-related metrics which include a selection incorporated from other areas from across the Model Health System.

The list currently includes: operational, clinical, workforce and non-pay efficiency metrics. Over time and based on user feedback, the list of productivity-related metrics will be refreshed and refined, e.g., adding quality-related metrics.

The productivity area provides a more detailed view of the drivers of productivity. This will help to support a key NHS priority of improving productivity levels, with the aim set out in the Spring Budget of 1.9% to 2% annual growth by 2028/29.

Regularly updated, the metrics will provide up to date information on some of the key areas which determine productivity performance, whilst also complementing existing Opportunities in the Model Health System created through Patient Level Information and Costing System (PLICS) data.

Log in now to see how your organisation’s productivity-related information and start identifying the key areas for improvement.

More details on NHS productivity in general can be found in a paper presented to the NHS Board (public session) on 16 May 2024

To help support you in your use and understanding of the new productivity area, we will be hosting a masterclass webinar

Join this webinar to:

  • Learn about the available metrics and how to use them
  • How the metrics can support you with your priority areas
  • How other tools and information can also support productivity conversations
  • What ongoing support is available to you and your teams

Join our FutureNHS workspace for more background on Model Health System and the main features.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions to the panel of speakers and the session will be recorded. It will also be available here:

Questions about this event?

Name: Sarka Ansari


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