Delivering Personalised Care in London

12 June 2018 9:30am – 3:30pmBST (+01:00)
Euston House, 81-103 Euston Street, London, NW1 2EZ, United Kingdom

Ticket sales finished: 8 June 2018 9:30am

An ambitious programme has been proposed for London which aims for universal coverage across the NHS of a comprehensive model of personalised care.

This would be based on Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) as the main vehicle, with 6 additional components:  personal health budgets; personalised care and support planning; patient activation; social prescribing; shared decision making; and patient choice.

We will be hosting an event for London stakeholders (e.g. CCGs, providers, LAs, VCS etc.) to come together both locally and STP level to learn more about implementing personalised care.  Our ambition nationally is that we want personalised care:

  • To benefit at least 6 million people a year by 2025, up from 300k in 2018/19
  • To improve health & care; at same time achieving direct/ indirect savings of at least £400m a year by 2025.

The event will cover the progress made so far in London, what more needs to be done, and the delivery support offer available to CCGs and STPs to deliver personalised care.

The agenda will act as a transition from the previously held London PHB Network meetings to a London Personalised Care Network.

Lunch is included and we encourage all London sites and STPs to have representation.

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