Integrating Care2

North East & North Cumbria Regional Social Prescribing Network Event

10 March 2020 10:30am – 4:30pmGMT (+00:00)
Belmont Industrial Estate, Durham, DH1 1TN, United Kingdom

Ticket sales finished: 9 March 2020 6:30pm

This is a free event organised by TheNorth East Regional Social Prescribing Network and aims to deliver key learning for those involved in developing and delivering social prescribing. The event will be of particular interest to Primary Care Networks developing their social prescribing offer and local partners involved in planning & commissioning social prescribing.

The event will include, national and regional personalised care and social prescribing updates, sharing of best practice and models in both primary & secondary care and support available to PCN’s. Workshop sessions will focus on how social prescribing can help reduce health inequalities and approaches to developing partnership working with Primary Care Networks. There will be a networking lunch.

Following successful North East Social Prescribing Network Conferences held over the past few years, there has been a growing movement across the region to position social prescribing as a cornerstone for creating good health and wellbeing.

This event will build on this work by bringing together PCN, CCG and local authority leads involved in developing and embedding social prescribing as part of the NHS Universal offer across the North East & North Cumbria.

Who should attend?

The event will be of particular interest to Primary Care Network leads and those leading on prevention, social prescribing and personalised care at ICS, ICP and CCG/LA level.

Why should you attend?

The event will provide opportunities to learn about the latest national and regional developments around personalised care and social prescribing. The afternoon will provide an opportunity to hear from local examples of best practice and share learning around approaches to tackling health inequalities through social prescribing and embedding personalised care. We will also hear about what support can be offered to PCN’s and local areas to support their development and embedding of Personalised Care and social prescribing.

What will you gain from attending?

  • You will be able to hear about regional and national developments around personalised care and social prescribing
  • Better understanding of how social prescribing can contribute to reducing health inequalities
  • Develop ideas for partnership working including approaches to support primary care networks
  • Hear about the support offer available to PCN’s and local areas
  • Share good practice and generate new ideas
  • Networking lunch and opportunity to make new contacts and share learning. 

If you register for this event and are unable to attend, please email as soon as possible so that the place can be released for someone else.

Please let us know on registration if you would like to join the North East & North Cumbria Social Prescribing Network. This will help us to communicate key information and provide updates on future developments. If you do not wish to be part of this mailing list please ensure that you un-click the checkbox.

Please let us know if you would like to share your details with other delegates.

Questions about this event?

Name: Katie Casey


General FAQs

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