NHS England and NHS Improvement East of England Safeguarding Report Writing Training
Ticket sales finished: 12 January 2020 5:00pm
NHS England and NHS Improvement is committed to supporting practitioners to produce high quality professional review reports (IMRs/Overview Reports for Child and Adult Reviews)
This session/training/briefing will provide the opportunity for you to reflect and build upon your current skills as a report writer and share your knowledge and experience with peers in a supportive learning environment.
Facilitation and discussions will address clear strategies for confidently planning and conducting a safeguarding review that informs an evidence-based and balanced report, managing challenging issues and reaching conclusions that can be interpreted into learning and make a difference to improve our safeguarding systems.
It will be an opportunity for participants to share their knowledge, reflect on their experiences and contribute to an informative day.
Questions about this event?
Name: Midlands Safeguarding
Email: england.menursing@nhs.net
Telephone: 011382 49652
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