Maternity Service User Voice Event
Ticket sales finished: 21 February 2020 5:00pm
Wednesday 4th March 2020
The Principal, Manchester 11am-5pm
This event is for service users involved in maternity transformation in England and will provide an opportunity to share ideas, learn new skills and discuss any challenges in a supportive environment.
In order to ensure that participants can make the best use of this time together, the event will be facilitated using open-space technology. This means that:
- During the opening session any participant or group of participants can put forward ideas for sessions they would like to run.
- The facilitators will follow a structured process during this first session to determine the topics of breakout sessions for the rest of the day.
- Participants will then be able to choose from the co-created agenda those sessions which are most relevant to them throughout the day.
Any participant can bring an idea for a session, but there’s absolutely no requirement to do that and you are very welcome to come and participate without pitching any session ideas. Where more than one participant has a related idea, they may choose to work together to run a session.
For many people, this will be a new way of working and so we will make sure that the process is explained clearly before the event and throughout the day. You can contact National Maternity Voices if you would like to ask any questions before you book your place.
Please contact your local CCG or LMS to make travel and, if required, accommodation arrangements. If you need support with accessing funding to attend, please contact National Maternity Voices for advice.
This event is for all service users involved in maternity transformation or otherwise by invitation only.
“An event like this provides a structured way of releasing the knowledge and passion which participants possess. It gives people the space not only to present their ideas but to build on them through group interaction. Some may find this way of doing things uncomfortable, as it does require participants to interact with subjects rather than being recipients of information only. So if you haven’t participated in this type of event before, go on take a deep breath and dive in, be prepared to share what you know and to learn from others.” Julia Holding, Senior Leadership Support, NHSE&I
Questions about this event?
Name: Lisa Ramsey
Telephone: 07730 381889
General FAQs