Clinical Priorities Advisory Group meeting - Part I
Ticket sales finished: 29 May 2019 5:00pm
Twice a year, the NHS England Specialised Commissioning Clinical Priorities Advisory Group considers treatments and services that would require additional funding in order to be introduced into the NHS. Based on this prioritisation process, the Group make recommendations to NHS England about whether they should be routinely commissioned (funded) based on their relative clinical benefit and cost.
As part of a pilot for the May prioritisation process, Part I of the CPAG meeting will be open for the public to observe. In this part of the meeting, the papers for the treatments under consideration will be presented to the Group. This will include a review of the public consultation, the clinical evidence and background information and an outline of how the draft proposals were formed.
The open, Part I of the CPAG meeting will be held on 29th May at City Hall, The Queens Walk, London, SE1 2AA. Please arrive at 9.30am to allow time to pass through security, register and receive a pre-briefing. The meeting will conclude once all agenda items for Part I have been addressed, no later than 5pm. More information on how to find City Hall can be found here:
Public observers must register to attend this meeting in advance. Please see below for details of how to register your interest in attending.
As a public observer, you will be able to listen to the business of the meeting, except where confidential information is being discussed. However, you will not be able to:
- participate in the Group's discussions
- ask questions, take part in voting, or put your views to the members of the committee.
There will be a limited number of places allocated for public observers. Places will be distributed to ensure even balance between commercial, manufacturer, patient and other representatives. Please note that NHS England does not reimburse travel or other expenses for public observers.
There will be a briefing session for public observers prior to the meeting.
How to register
- Click on the register link below and complete the registration form. Please ensure you click on the basket and follow the process to the end. Firefox or Chrome are recommended for using the booking system.
- You will receive an automated email response when you submit the registration form. If you do not receive this automated response your registration request has not been received, and you will need to complete and submit the registration form again.
- Registration will close on 14 May. Please note that it may not be possible to accept late requests.
- Places for the meeting will be allocated by 21 May. Attendees will be sent an email confirming their registration with information on how to get to the venue and frequently asked questions. Please bring a copy of your email with you to facilitate admittance.
- A draft agenda for the meeting will be available on the Specialised Commissioning website 10 working days before the meeting. The final versions of the papers for each policy after consultation will be available online. You are welcome to download these documents and bring them along to the meeting.
- City Hall has a number of accessibility features, for more information:
- Should you have any additional accessibility needs or have any queries regarding attending this meeting, please contact
Please check the NHS England Specialised Commissioning website and your emails up to the day before the meeting to make sure you have the most up to date agenda, and information about the start time and venue. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.
In Part II of the meeting, some of the information the Group needs to discuss is confidential and public observers will not be permitted to attend.
Information classed as confidential includes confidential academic or policy work. This means that public disclosure of this information could have an impact on the academic interests of a research or professional organisation, or the policy interest of the government.
For more information on the prioritisation process please watch ‘Making decisions on which new treatments to fund’ at the following link:
Questions about this event?
Name: Clinical Effectiveness Team
Telephone: 07795 612995
General FAQs