
NHS England & AOC T Levels in the NHS Best Practice Lunch and Learn

18 September 2024 12:00pm – 1:00pmBST (+01:00)
Virtual (Microsoft Teams Live Event)
Free Delegate Ticket

If you can't attend the event LIVE, please still register so you can receive the slides and recording afterwards.  After completing registration for this event, delegates will receive the event joining link on Tuesday 17th September.

NHS England & AOC T Levels in the NHS Best Practice Lunch and Learn

Wednesday 18th September 2024, 12.00pm to 1.00pm

Virtual Microsoft Teams Live Event

Join NHS England and the Association Of Colleges for this lunch and learn session to hear from NHS employers with successful partnerships with their local college. We will discover how they have overcome any potential barriers and share best practice with regard to implementing this vital talent pipeline into the NHS.

T Levels are an alternative to A levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses. Equivalent in size to 3 A levels, a T Level focuses on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry. T Level students spend 80% of the course in their learning environment, gaining the skills that employers need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where they put these skills into action. When the NHS work in partnership with their local colleges T Levels can provide another much needed entry route for young people into entry careers and apprenticeships and/or traditional university routes.

If you have any specific questions you would like answered on the day, please submit these in advance either in your ticket booking or via emailing them to england.nhsapprenticeships@nhs.net.

The slides and webinar recording will be sent to all registered delegates post-meeting.

Questions about this event?

Name: Lucy Hunte

Email: england.nhsapprenticeships@nhs.net

Telephone: 00000000

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