The Role of Comms and Engagement in reducing Health Inequalities

5 December 2024 1:00pm – 2:00pmGMT (+00:00)
Location TBC

This session is aimed at NHS professional communicators working in Trusts, ICBs, NHS England, ALBs and LC working in health. Please register wit your NHS EMAIL ADDRESS to receive the Teams invite on the morning of the event. 

The session will be presented by the Head of Health Inequalities at NHS England Rabinder Bhachu and Nicole Crosby-McKenna. 

The session will cover:

  •  Health Inequalities in context
  • The role of communications professionals in tackling health inequalities
  • Top tips for communicating with at-risk groups
  • Resources and further advice
  • Your biggest challenges – help and advice

Questions about this event?

Name: Alison Brown


Telephone: 07500033410

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